What to pack for your pet :
1) Current copy of vaccinations from your veterinarian including:
DH2PP (Distemper) &
Bordetella (Canine/Kennel Cough)
- Intranasal or oral Bordetella must be given at least 3 days prior to boarding only if the dog as never had the vaccination before.
​Puppies who have had their 1st and 2nd set of vaccines including
DH2PP (Distemper) and Canine Cough are also welcome!
The kennel cough vaccine protects for 1 year - but keep in mind this vaccine does not guarantee 100% protection from kennel cough.
No vaccine is 100% effective. Ask your veterinary professional for more information.
It is the responsibility of owners to update, maintain and provide current vaccine certificates prior to any boarding or daycare visits. Those without updated vaccines will unfortunately not be accepted for boarding or daycare. This policy is in place to protect all of our guests - thank you for your cooperation!
2) Food and any medications or special supplies your pet needs:
Please bring your dog's regular diet with you in a sealed container or plastic bag.
No glass containers please. Bowls are provided please leave yours at home.
We will gladly administer any medications or supplements your dog requires at a rate of $0.50/dose
Note : We do not allow rawhide chews due to possible choking risk. We also do not allow raw meat in the kennel due to health and sanitation concerns. We can provide a high quality maintenance kibble for an additional charge.
**We strongly recommend the use of flea and deworming prevention while using our services. If your pet is found to be carrying fleas or parasites during its stay we will seek veterinary care at the owners expense to treat the issue. We apologize for any inconvenience but this policy will protect the health and well being of all guests.**
3) Bedding and Toys
Kuranda beds are provided in each kennel.
Toys and comforts from home are welcome, but please leave anything of high monetary or sentimental value at home.
Please do not bring large comforters or beds as they cannot fit into the washing machine
should they require cleaning.